Computer diagnostics in modern medicine
Computerized diagnostics in medicine has become widespread in recent years, and this is mainly due to the fact that a session of computer diagnostics is often a more effective substitute for visiting dozens of specialist doctors. During computer diagnostics various diseases can be detected, as well as abnormalities in organ function. It allows detection of the probability of disease in time to prevent it. At present the most popular and efficient computer diagnostic devices are the “Sensitiv imago”, and also the out-of-date Voll’s electro-acupuncture diagnostic systems. Though introduced by Dr. Reinhold Voll in the middle of the previous century, these units are still used in small computerized systems.
What is the basis of Voll’s method?
It should be noted that every organ of the human body has its own frequency of electromagnetic radiation; its own oscillation frequency. Vital power in any human organism flows along established energy channels called meridians. There are biologically active points (BAP) on these meridians, which are responsible for different organ functions. A healthy body has only perfect energy channels, and vital power flows smoothly along them. Various diseases, infections, and mineral and vitamin deficiencies have a negative effect upon energy channels and prevent energy from flowing normally. As a result, the separate cells’ oscillation frequency is displaced which then overlays on the organs’ radiation, causing the problems.
Voll’s method in practice
Medical computerized diagnostics of human health based on the Voll method allows not only detection of a problem, but also to neutralize it. When the assessment is done, the results clearly show which organs have troubles, and there is an opportunity to repair the regular frequency and average organs’ radiation by stimulating the proper BAP.
It is not only living organisms that have their own radiation frequency, but everything existing on the Earth. Medicaments also have their radiation frequency. Computerized health diagnostics allow individual selection of pharmaceuticals according to biological characteristics.
Comparison of the Voll method with modern diagnostic systems
One of the up-to-date methods of diagnosis and cure is a computerized diagnostic “Sensitiv imago”. This is a more exact method in comparison with Voll’s diagnostics. In “Sensitiv imago” computer diagnostics devices, innovative technologies are used and the units allow very deep and precise investigations. The technology is patent-protected and diagnosis, just like in the Voll units, is based on the wave nature concept of every living being.
The major advantage of “Sensitiv imago” computer diagnostics is that it provides more exact, evident and clear results which are comprehensible even by lay users. Long-term diagnosis can be made and organized according to development stages.
It is an indisputable fact that German scientist Reinhold Voll laid down the foundation for today\'s computer diagnostics, and due to his method we are now having computerized systems of human health diagnostics. In spite of the fact that the more advanced methods of diagnosis, like “Sensitiv imago”, have been developed, the Voll’s method remains an important part of world electronic medicine.